" Capitalism is not eternal ". For Jorge Jorge German * German
Psychology that politics and discourse of love that will keep the thing go, that the revolution is the return of the same to the same place and sometimes with deadly consequences, that the uniqueness of enjoyment and desire is not subsumed in "all the same" political thing? Could keep adding reasons, from different parts of the work of Freud, Jacques Lacan's teaching and guidance of Jacques-Alain Miller, showing how the left called fundamentals are drilled into the soil ontological safer when they are confronted with the logic of analytic discourse.
Perhaps these reasons caused many have removed Lacanian the paths used historically by the left. Many colleagues have built a skeptical wisdom in political matters, or a lucid conservatism, or an ironic reading and diagonally. Listen, respect and learn from it, but my position is that you can with the teaching of Lacan: - First, to account for the defeat of the global left from the seventies, inquire into the fantasy that, even after the defeat was accomplished, the ruled. - Second, Marxism offered a place to grieve, considering that the place is really mourning is outside the home: the only materialist theory that in the century XXI, is proposing a running practical thinking about the impossible real, is the teaching of Lacan.
- Third, these purposes are baseless claim: Lacan can not be a new foundation for the left is his "desfundamentación", demonstrating that only the absent cause is truly operational, it is a bet without further and no guarantees. However, this bet believes that capitalism, despite its circular motion and uncut, although we can not infer the place of departure and can not name the area where it is feasible that trip, although no name is available what comes next, although there is no point in you can designate what a struggle against capitalism, but capitalism is not an eternal, necessary and where the quasi-natural human condition is made in the last step. On the contrary, it is once again assert its contingent and, therefore, always possible the advent of another way of being with others, different from what is known in capitalism.
- Finally, I would remind you that being a leftist is to consider the exploitation of the labor force made in the form of the commodity is an insult to the absolute difference. One thing is to accept the disturbing homology between the plus and enjoy the goodwill and another to accept exploitation itself as if it were a feature of most of the human condition and, at present, a step to be "substantiated" by any provision brain. The hierarchy of the market is the difference, but their numbers and equivalential misrepresentation.
* Excerpt from an exhibition at the Atlantic Seminar Thought, an event that has occurred since 2005 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (www.seminarioatlantico.org). In the latest edition also participated Gianni Vattimo, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Paula Sibilia, Joan Busquets, Javier Tolentino.
Link to note:
www.pagina12.com.ar general, the endless repetition and boredom among the scientistic nonsense, Ernesto Sinatra offers in this continuation of his work a revamped version of the Lacanian orientation, the slimy substance abuse issue. Those who know him know that their interests and their practice is not "all" about drugs, as he titled this book with a humor that certainly does not lack.
The central thesis underpinning this book: the widespread abuse, the role of toxic and global loneliness, affect cross where psychoanalysis and hyper, and are part of the unique contributions of Ernesto Sinatra to a collective development which remains valid for 20 years in an international network, the network of the Freudian Field TYA (Substance Abuse and Alcoholism).
is an achievement of the collective, their developments, including highlights Ernesto Sinatra presented in this book have been progressively usually be used as references to guide the conceptual and practical understanding of the issues at stake, and make up the difference falls Lacanian Orientation in this complex.
You can read in this book, the entanglements, efforts, traps and solutions Sinatra collects from its practice and its reading today. Since the supplied chemical happiness dragees, to "the reproaches of new patrons" through the enjoyment of the death of hardened drug addicts, the woes of love, and other people in the news, parade shines ways in which human misery in our time.
Foreword Mauricio Del Tarrab