Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What To Do For Inflamed Knee
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Catchy Highschool Phrases
Merylin Sakova Mediafire

"Invoking Sodom
Sinatra * Regarding the law that legalized marriage same sex, beyond-here-and more tantrums ultramontane the representatives of the traditional family, the Catholic Church has emerged as the standard bearer of the opposition, waving the banners of the divine and natural law, invoking Sodom ( sic) and the hosts of Satan as the alleged instigator of the event. It is worth remembering that only citizens' initiative passed to the field of law when the weight of social and has become a habit: always judicial "delay" for achievements in the field of associative loop, as actually experienced by the citizens . It could only happen in the Parliament debate on the rights of homosexuals to use institutions like anybody else, because I had neighbors who lived with others of the same sex.
The Church has always late, as being rooted in tradition must be transmitted in a dogma always equal to itself, and that's not a whim, but for reasons of structure, you can not change and thus their principles-not simply their rituals, their liturgy, which they would be outdated by more against the progress of the transformation of subjectivity and the social bond. Keep this slowness solving is a condition of its durability.
What's more, the importance of the Christian corpus -That gets through generations by respecting the untouchable of his writings, so necessarily sacred, offers individuals (the "faithful") a very powerful sense of security, given something like a warmth of immortality, a sense of eternal communion with Another perennial, on being transferred to them, threatening at last coat of these dogmas and scriptures, sacraments and commandments. Next step: belief in the celestial ascent insured post mortem, if one meets with obedience to another here on Earth.
But, on the other side of the counter, tiny earthly problems (immanent, not transcendent) now facing the authorities church. Hide, one way complicit and unacceptable, pedophile practices of (not a few of) their representatives. Unlike his fellow Protestants, the priests refuse together the sacrament of marriage (and not gay but in its traditional version, heterosexual). Refuse to use condoms (even in times of AIDS, pushing the faithful to the worst) to support cost the separation of procreation and lust (ie, pleasure in the sexual encounter): children, yes, enjoyment among bodies, no.
In light of the institutional weight of the Church and its influence on state decisions, it becomes evident that carries weight today the triumph of the gay community, with equal marriage. Homosexuals have been traditionally determined adversary of the Church, for showing that there is no natural relationship between the sexes. Homosexuality has been installed on the symptom history to know that kids are not necessarily for the girls.
crusades to ban a gay (in the best case, since the slope of decline knew segregation, to outlaw, to exterminate) were directed to remove them as a minority always to not contaminate the natural universal. Is that minorities, whatever they were, always loaded with the halo: the descompletar a closed set, the universal, hegemonic power which would be threatened by their presence.
The existence of homosexuals has always demonstrated that there is no natural sexuality, that sexuality itself has been subverted in the human species sexuation: neologism, the latter, Jacques Lacan, to indicate that sex selection is determined specific conditions of satisfaction for children, both as multi-IDs for which it is impossible to anticipate its direction-and that happens beyond the organic natural determination.
This goes also for those who say that we should not allow homosexuals to adopt children, and we'd be gay. It is a dogmatic assumption, assuming you could predict the orientation of the identifications and, moreover, could know the orientation of the enjoyment of each subject. It is a fallacy, as no one knows-or can be determined, even biological determination of the child or his parents made the choice that each be sexed speaker.
equal marriage law has been placed in the center of social and political debates and that includes mothers. Valga for a species that, confronted with the confession of homosexuality of his son, had responded very apologetic, but reverse his feelings in boundless joy when, years later, gay marriage was legalized. What had happened? What was the reason it produced subjective transmutation? Very simple: with the new law, now his son could marry ... and having children. As can be seen. which affected the mother was not her son's homosexuality, but he could not marry or have kids. Interestingly, this evidence contrary very precisely the belief of his son, who felt rejected by her for being gay, allowing no-no surprise-isolated from the analytic couch a ghost of exclusion haunted him since childhood, in which it was argued from the dissatisfaction of desire.
The debate over homosexuality continues, over and over the right field here, the question of male identity is still alive.
* Director of the School of Lacanian Orientation (EOL). advance text of the book is finally MEN at last! (Grama editions).