FOR LEFT Lacanian ... German George
by Miriam Chorne
singular Paper is what best defines
For a Lacanian Left. It is unique as is in its relationship with the same time within the emancipatory tradition of the left, the author Jorge German an exercise of thought over the various essays - written in different times and clearly dedicated to very different issues - but however targeted by the same ethical and political commitment. Let us add to our side How long have you left maintains a deafening silence? Given the lack of words on the left there is the infatuation the right to pretend that what is just contingency of history becomes an almost natural fact, "essentialized," which is no longer possible to conceive the outside, as if absolute knowledge. And here is rather the question of German "Is there even in the impasses of the times for capitalism output a book and decipher know?"
is unique for its audacity to bring together in one phrase two "terms that have not arisen in principle to be together and therefore always open a question about the legitimacy of their relationship." In formulating the expression "left Lacanian "Jorge German is aware of the treatment as critical if not outright irony of Lacan on the traditional left. His claims "the revolution as a return to the same place," the protest as a call to love even more fierce, "for example, are not yet sufficient to force back to Lacan for the challenges of thinking about social reality. The Seminar XVII,
The other side of psychoanalysis, among others
testimony is proof of that. The book discussed today is the finding that no waiver German despite his pessimism civilization to think that an emancipation project possible. The pessimism of civilization that is already present in Freud and Lacan is revealed when the seminar takes
VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. Freud
back to the principle "love your neighbor as yourself" Is that you can love on the other his evil? Can he love to point to your enjoyment as harmful? Freud says that you can not get that far because this evil is the same in me and causes me to want my neighbor's farm, his mutilation and even murder. He writes in "The malaise of the culture."
"Presenting the social collective and the individual as constituted from an incurable and unsolvable fracture in Lacan discarded any possibility of reconciliation of society with itself. "But this lack of fulfillment of the social group should not be on account of any deficit but rather a chance for unexpected transformation . But it is also unique in the extent to which his voice is so counter to the discourses of the time, those who from the neo-liberal discourse rather than take responsibility for the so-called crisis of capitalism offer explanations unjust and ridiculous to the crisis of the system (in terms of the greed of top executives, for example). In the first article of the book and gives it its title suggests, however, that German is "the absence of a limit, a limit that makes financial barrier to uncontrolled drift" which could provide an alternative explanation. He even challenged the present is a "crisis of capitalism" and proposed instead that it would be a development of capitalism itself "capable of creating a crisis for all the structures so far came simulating their regulation: from the nations and their groupings, global institutions to economic measures intended to alleviate the emergency. Everything is absorbed and diluted in Movimas the market. "

is unique and stated in first person, not wriggle out of responsibility to speak in a committed, not to delete the statement which implies that the reader or auditor to engender a movement concerned also answered in person. Although German justify the rhetorical process in "the extremely conjectural" in the "clear speculative dimension" of his attempt, for example, says on page 27 "if there were something like a Lacanian Left", which is at stake is something quite different. Knowing as I do and for many years that way I think of it own, inherent to be and is what makes their interventions are always so alive. But also reflects a desire to reveal the logic of the discourse of love as is evident in the text entitled Lacanian logic: a case of psychoanalytic writing, where he compares from a few pages of Lacan L'Etourdit scientific writing mode and how psychoanalytic understanding that the latter always eludes all totalizing project. She says there "If the logic simulates a statement from nowhere is the purpose of hiding something. It makes available to hide the fact that a statement should state it. The logic of the alibi statement master discourse, subtracting the fact that there enunciation. The statement appears to be produced without any statement concerning him. The "to read" is forgotten. Such neglect is the refusal of the subject, is the pretense of a discourse without a subject. "
is unique in the amount of support in the psychoanalytic community, deeply homogeneous despite appearances, subjected thinkers interest a suspect to be protagonists of
the conservative revolution, in particular certainly Heidegger, but also C. Schmitt. In their work individually or in collaboration with his friend Sergio Larriera has learned to show the critical potential a speech, Heidegger, which dissolves the illusions in the first place faith in the progress of bourgeois modernity, humanism and revealing at the same time technological progress an avatar of capitalist discourse. is also unique in being able to speak or write with authority in many different disciplines. The set of seven trials that brings the book, if we consider as one discussions with E. Laclau, dealing first of psychoanalysis, or rather, psychoanalysis is present in everything you say, talk about what you speak, showing its founding dignity in the discourse of German, but also deal with political, logic, grammar, philosophy and none of us could do it. The various texts are shown as a Lacanian orientation fundamental feature: all the formal operation beyond universalizing, are removed from the aggregation. Moreover, the reader will notice immediately that the prose of Jorge German not only escapes the division of knowledge but also the usual distinction of gender. In her own form of scientific reflexivity willingness to conceptual rigor and precision, exceptional clarity is accompanied by a poetic dimension, a freedom of style, finding lucky find. This dual allegiance to the rigor and momentum Lyric is a brand identity of your writing.
I highly recommend reading this book, in each of the trials found suggestive relationships, clarification texts revealing but probably more proud than the essay on "Freud's legacy," shining in the relationship of the law with great enjoyment and literary speaking, and the article "Why the empty signifiers are important for policy?" in a completely different genre because it is a transcript of a debate oral Ernesto Laclau in which attempts to draw the boundary the implementation of the Lacanian theory of the unconscious in the field of political philosophy, this limit is that the Lacanian perspective is not only show how an irreducible external vacuum conditions the symbolic building, but also how that gap is colonized by the body enjoys. In the Lacanian logic are not the same significant operations typical of the time pulse of the drive. The paradoxes of significant though constrained by reality impossible not to be confused with it.
the first letter in "The Legacy of Freud", German proposes the thesis that Lacan who was able to capture the post-Freud 1920, ie after "Beyond the Pleasure Principle", managed to match the invention of psychoanalysis with a new political thinking, giving topical to that legacy. The law is not what is intended to be - important and selfless - it maintains a structural relationship with the death instinct. The superego is a disguised drive
Law since there is no opposition between power and drive. On the contrary, Freud teaches us, the heart of darkness is in every one of us. "(...) Writes German oppressors may fall but never oppression, emancipation may be the way to establishing a fierce love, love can hide a murderous hostility, hostility bonded strong love for those who hate and psychoanalyst himself unknowingly be the spokesman of obsessional neurosis that wants to play the impossible. "
All this changes the political version of the common man, a version which can be worth well as a description of the institutions. I quote again "So the true conservative force, which prevents radical transformation, which in addition supports the cultural hegemony of late capitalism, not only in the ideological apparatus, or in disciplinary techniques, or the unlimited extension of the networks of the goods. All this certainly does its job, but would be inadequate if not understood by Freud, a civilization always held in an essential way in the turbulent constitution of a subject. "And two pages later he adds that" if Freud never named civilization which would be relevant to the speaker, they said that if it is supported only on the satisfaction of a minority becomes untenable. "As stated in" The Future of an Illusion "cited by the German," a civilization neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence. " On the other hand, the update of the Freudian description entails recognizing the creative power of capitalist domination is not limited to the extraction of surplus disclosed by Marx but also - as the German states in a note written on the subject of the next Congress of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis - makes "the discourse of contemporary love nutr (a) the" for all "commercial individualism that pervades the state itself leaving only a "underdevelopment" piled on his bonus to enjoy for the excluded. "Let everyone construct their identity according to their mode of enjoyment, might be the watchword of our time against which appeals to contemporary philosophers are at least inane. Where do we take the appeal to the aesthetics of existence? How ironic stories yourself? To give us our own identity in a Use of Pleasure? Jorge German intellectual with a big broom to sweep all these proposals it considers prefreudianas.Todas still confined to the opposition power-expression that Freud dismounted.
In the debate with Laclau Jorge German revisit this issue proposes that "The capitalist discourse is characterized by an appropriation particular pleasure, which undermines the universal but is held as globalization. So let me at the time capitalist discourse compare with what Heidegger calls "art", ie a will that only loves itself and its implementation, which can no longer be controlled by anything or anyone and not find any community or political expression. " For the political-messianic pathos possible, find a foundation is necessary to be optimistic, keep hope alive, we must add the optimism of the will and pessimism of reason, says German. Part of his gloomy vision unfolds through a metaphor of fragmentation, of the cracks and fissures but increasingly finding themselves in the limitations of totalizing utopian conditions of the opening for political invention.
is that political-messianic pathos that inspires me more reserves. Not that I like, on the contrary I find it important even there, I can be sensitive to the kinship between the moment of rupture in the social and the individual decisions. Indeed the fact that a subject is structurally determined by what precedes it, will never erase the unfathomable decision that no structure can be removed. In the social domain is certainly not different. However I do not always need a break, possibly not even desirable.
want to be finalized, taking a matter to which German Jorge was sensitive and I think, though marginal in relation to the theme of the book is nevertheless important, I mean the policy of receiving - how to import knowledge, what is the politics of translation and editing, etc - Citing the beginning of the debate with Laclau in the bibliography of this author, Zizek, Butler, of Copjec, of thinkers who use Lacan to renew the left thinking there is a complete absence of English-speaking authors despite many years of transmission of Lacan's teaching in our language, indicating that the circulation system of universal knowledge does not seem to welcome the Lacanian English-speaking authors, German asks "Is it anything more than an anthropological fact? "We designed our language is rejected by the place from which states?" Maybe the existence of German very thing that introduces a change in this dynamic. I hope so. And now to conclude this presentation with my thanks to Jorge German for having elected me to do it, listed as a friend of hers, along with Mercedes de Francisco Javier Garmendia, I am a pleasure and an honor.
Madrid, 2009
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