Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Linda Goodman Horoscope Free 2010

pain and body language of psychoanalysis

.332 - Saturday February 8, 2010

Anchoring Jacques Lacan in Argentina

The psychoanalyst Germain Garcia is in the book an interesting cross Fruchtnicht theory and clinical experience which relate the symptom and the real meaning


Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan, the inaugural book about his teaching was published in 1970 by Oscar Masotta. In these three decades the expansion of Lacanian orientation, both in our country as in our language, surprising and others. The interpretations were swift and reality have become archives on the history of psychoanalysis in Castilian in various institutions, cities and countries.

Less attention has been paid to the production of books on various topics and issues that are innovations of Jacques Lacan. This is not the place to display an explanation of this phenomenon, if it wishes for this symptom of our culture. Say, in passing, that Sigmund Freud was resisting until he arrived as a retroactive effect of the spread of Jacques Lacan. It was true in French language, then it was true.
1. Edward Said, from a look at what Adorno called late style, "the moment someone decides what to do with the time of a future whose life is predictable. Some seek serenity, others let go of what they did and they embark on a risky venture. Among the former are authors like Borges, among the latter may appoint Joyce Ulysses after stubbornly against the advice of his friends in Finnegans Wake. Also Jacques Lacan, in what is called its "last instruction", reconfigure your last job. Just as Finnegans holds what has been called "the Joyce industry", the latter school maintains the renewed interest in all of its production. 2. In this perspective that reading is targeting the symptom (Grass), Viviana Fruchtnicht book that part, as appropriate, the knot that is the symptom, meaning and reality. That from this knot is to underline the relevance of clinical ethics, politics and episteme is that the terms above are located differently. It is no longer a clinic where imagination was rectified by the symbolic, or the ethics of wish I could do without the joy or the symptom of a policy that does not understand reality. And as for the episteme, the latest changes when Lacan says " analytical mathematical trick will not. " Psychoanalysis does not proceed as science. Viviana Fruchtnicht not try anything that looks like a monograph, but weaves his argument with the singular thread of clinical work, which leads from the particular to the particular and avoid the "application" of concepts such as reduction of the uniqueness of someone to the general circulating in each historical period. 3. If we compare this book with one of many that has been published in recent years, you will notice the care taken in sequences of argumentation and the way in which the author knows his subject speak leave to enter his voice at times in regard to his "modest" clinical experience. We can say that not in the habit, as extended, including the quotation marks and references. The reader will notice it in the accuracy of the notes at the footer.
4. This book can not be summarized or paraphrased so that the reader of the review have the illusion of knowing what it is without reading. The strong presence of the teachings of Jacques-Alain Miller and strong culture of the author guarantee the "orientation" of the book itself which, like psychoanalysis, a symptom known registered in time where the future involves feedback.
The chapter entitled "The transfer is always present" clears the subtleties that led to Jacques Lacan to use Plato's Symposium and return to the subject a few years later, in a fresh perspective. Is that the mysteries of the transfer, as the mysteries of Paris, undertake anything that circulated as a particularly significant value in psychoanalysis is the "authentic love" (a term used to refer to the transfer.) is why when he says that psychoanalysis is a symptom of a culture must be remembered that, among other things, the transfer disrupts the illusion of any metalanguage. The chapter entitled "The operator of the analytic act is the desire of the analyst" sets out the implications of this position: "a failure to an operator."
In conclusion: the lack of subtitles in this short note is motivated by the fact that Viviana Fruchtnicht book, divided into ten chapters, is titled so well that you could not do anything but repeat or-that is what I decided, to invite the interested to read it.

Denso, accurate and argued, The orientation is the symptom is a taste of what Marcelo Izaguirre anchor called the teachings of Jacques Lacan in Argentina.

More information about this book here


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