Tuesday, December 7, 2010

System Has Not Been Modified Itunes

comment book "The love is empty." Luis Dario Salamone, by Gaston Cottino

the Latin derived from Polite, friendly, Amador, Lover, amasia "love", amasiato "amethyst", "amethyst ". Amatorio, Love, Cupid, romance, love, heartbreak, heartbreak, love, infatuated, infatuation, enamoricarse. Friend. Amicus, friend, friendly .... Terms were born one by one and today are part of one of the etymology of words such as again, worn and full of humanity: However Louis Love chooses to follow Lacan and preach from the title that "love is empty." We find jobs that are left to read with the lack of the literature and with a spirit that leads him to search multiple sites of culture the structures of the phenomenon of love, the old reverse applied psychoanalysis, as Lacan wanted. This will retrace the paths of medieval history, history of psychoanalysis, through the classics category as' sweetheart, Don Juanism, the unmarried (for both sides), marriage, infidelity, etc. Always seen in the light of psychoanalysis, or more accurately, in light of the experience of psychoanalysis, taking into account that there are appointments during certain tests that can tell of wonders theory into play. And also, the author has gone through an analysis and we have heard to account for some of this love as a vacuum, but also as invention. Sown at the end should leave the first paragraph in the hope that the reader, whether or not a psychoanalyst, will allow the slow unfolding of the plot of love, loveless, amethyst and friendly: "My friends then, when we met, they often remember face that was when I met the sea. When you press, as a way to meet me, I brought a bottle with a message. When I got excited and opened the paper, it was unreadable. The water had cleared a lone attempt at communication. Allowed only a few letters to guess the word love. Only a few letters. "We still have the chance to go watch for the banks. A letter, even in a bottle, always comes target, or so says the book by Luis.


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