Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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Comment by Gustavo Stiglitz
title is a loop effect, since the singularity is precisely what incomparable.
is that reading the book that make you feel the same, which is the search for the author. This displays the theme of the uniqueness, very unique key, leading them to where matema fails (JAM)
When Gary gave me a copy of the book In Search of the singularity, so I asked him to engage, to write something.
As if I had not written enough!
be why the dedication was short, or say, not too long: "Dear Gustavo, a book and a hug, Gerardo."
Well, the book ... - I say this entry - buy it, read it ... no waste, but the hug hug ... that has something unique.
is the embrace of a friend, yes, but also - at least what I experienced in reading giddy these days - is the book which embraces. Not even exaggerating when I say - I talk about what happened to me - it's a book that burns. Burning between his fingers trying to advance in their reading. No exaggeration.
Returning to hug, I realized it was not just the embrace of his friend, was also the researcher, the knowledge, the letters and llanguage.
is known that I, like others, in a period when I deposited School A transmission function - as far as I can - on what is an analyst and testify to the singular experience of the analysis itself. I am sure that reading this book will be present at the next witness. Temo
be writing (speaking) under effects of what is known in psychiatry and forensic psychology "violent emotion."
But I experienced a real joy when I realized I did not read any new concept ... oops!
But you do search loop with the author, with the ordering of the concepts and the value that gives each of them at different times of Lacan's work ..
For example, the relationship between symptom and style - as we say - not a novelty. But to raise the relationship between the writing style in psychosis and symptom, as the starting point of the Lacanian project - which would be to form a science of the singular - and state with strong arguments that the compass on the work of Lacan is the location of the singularity ... that's another thing.
is so exciting to read the beginning of the book all that can be extracted from the first texts of Lacan - even before the Thesis! - As in the later chapters, when the unique risks as something beyond the repeated "reality orientation."
Another merit of this work is that we have all the time to jump (from the imaginary to the symbolic and the real, of the uniqueness of personality through the universality and particularity, of the image identification, the object and sinthome, could continue) said, we have all the time to jump, but it makes us jump in slow motion.
then see how we're taking off from the previous paradigm - or is it going down - how we in the air until we find new players and already made the leap. Leads us by the hand and is showing us every step of the journey. Every stone, every bridge, every curve, every cliff, and every strong point.
On the other hand, is very careful to stop every so often - several times - to recap the journey that will realizando.Vean if not, the cap 15 in the book
an enactment of the cause of desire. The author says he left a gap. Well, from that lack built a three hundred page thesis, and a contagious enthusiasm and work that encourages us to others.
Finally, I thought who is this friend who tells us that Lacan's project - which remained in all his work - was to be a science of singularity?
Let's see, I tell them if they do not. Is someone who comes from the field of hard science, that is a filmmaker and a passion for psychoanalysis.
That's why you can see and convey with such clarity and simplicity, it is a science of singularity and therefore we also crushes the whole book with the "three plot points" of the films.
Finally, I note the following. This is great theoretical and clinical depth while it is easy to read. Is a facet of "tool" to study and guidance in the work of Lacan. Moreover, and this is no small thing, is also building a political tool.
In a time of homogenization, globalization, universal, are pushing hard to market levels - and that includes pharmaceuticals, of course, therapeutics of the self - in terms of customs and policies ...
" Politics is the art of moving bodies, "said Pierre Legendre. You can move all the same, the manner of the slaves of the galleon. Or you can move each in its singularity of enjoyment, the only way to make a social bond worth living.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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the layman's suspicion about the suggestive use of language in psychoanalysis, Jacques Lacan disturbed, meaning that forced him to argue with theories to answer how the language goes beyond the power of "healing" of suggestion transference, and pushed his followers to argue, to have exposed knowledge of what occurred in the analytic session.
In a paragraph added end of "The instance of the letter" [1] Lacan takes the value of the theory of Perelman, who considers metaphor as a rhetorical function. Later in his teaching Lacan will use the metaphor and give it a value princeps in the structuring of subjectivity. The year after this addition, the names of second and last time in his writings in "The metaphor of the subject" [2] (1961):
"Proceedings of the argument of interest to Mr. Perelman by the contempt in which is tradition of science "In this second phase
rescues Lacan Perelman to reintegrate the argument within the field of psychoanalysis, therefore critical to scientists for their contemptuous treatment of the arguments by the operation of the scholastic tradition, specifically the Greek and the argument that it has no place in scientific discourse productivity: the doxa does not enter the episteme. Perelman is what opens a new school, called for 'open philosophy', 'anti-absolutist' or even 'pragmatic' which has very powerful current developments.
Why argue? In principle there are no procedures for automatic resolution (formulas, algorithms). This means that you can not think the argument without the empty that can never be subsumed in it and, for that matter, is the cause of the effectuation of argument: the language gap benchmark writes the signifier of another strikeout. Such a failure of knowledge indicates a call for the creation (but not less for some others: inhibition in writing). Second argue
involves taking a decision on the arguments. Unlike discursive argumentation and the mathematical proof.
is in this way Lacan digging the groove with the pragmatics of Perelman was trouble the argument from the logical field to use it from psychoanalysis and to speak in psychoanalysis logic the argument indicates that there must be procedures for validating the deduction analytical expertise.
This concerns us very directly because if not, what is the value that we, not only to pass device and the evidence but clinical presentations? Thus Jacques-Alain Miller spent a year of his course-Donco-to demonstrate that the deduction is possible in psychoanalysis from the argument. Argument, then without proof.
But the logic of the argument requires a theory of the subject, leading to a theory of decision and at the same time, the introduction of a theory of the question. Following
Michel Meyers have proposed a logic of question from a sequence problem, question-answering. The thesis is this: when one concept is wrought in any field of knowledge-written a response to a question raised by the author made the instrument of interrogation. Using this logic
polling for arguments allow us to locate, for example, "why is a concept page on that letter, responding to what the problem, ie the opposite of auto-repeat-and boring-of concepts . This attempt to 'activist' to convey the concepts in this way is in the orientation provide a key to not only reading but also for analytical listening. Gerardo Arenas's book makes use of this instrument from a movement of two clips: one of the reader, the second: the author:
The work of Jacques Lacan and his school encourages us to realize what we do (but not least, on behalf of) Psychoanalysis as possible to shorten the distance between what is said to be done and what actually is done. This is not guaranteed by any automatic process of decision itself nor by any school. In this respect Jean Claude Milner warned that there could be as-social-School that will last through time but emptied of the principles that gave rise to the School-research program. Arenas
The book definitely falls in the School-research program with its decision to build from concept to recognize (and to recognize) its relevance over the teaching of Jacques Lacan: the singular. We'll see how it performs on the coordinates from just locate.
As a reader, a point-of Dr. Lacan, Gerardo Arenas keeps track of the concepts that circumscribe the notion of special education in interpreting them as successive responses to a question (What is the path to the singular?) Circumscribing a problem : how to name what that is really the end of an analysis. Thus
Arenas Lacan reads now as author, the problem of the symptom (deconstructed in the teaching of Lacan from its significant role to its former status istente the unconscious) from the question of the effectiveness of the analytic experience .
What is the path to the singular? Gerardo Arenas's book dares to initialize with his trademark this way. So there in my opinion, at least two planes in his statement.
First, the epistemic-clinical course that tied in a precise, comprehensive and elegant concepts that will officiate the compass. And following detailed references Jacques Lacan points to his goal: to build the singular as a key concept in psychoanalysis of the Lacanian orientation.
And secondly, what is even more surprising is the political knotting which is 'In Search of the singular', and that is, in my view, the most original and accomplished its transmission: the way Gerardo Arenas is to enter your name our Lacanian orientation, he does from his statements that do the show in his text-the first level of analysis to which I referred earlier, "there is a path to the singular and it (although maybe not even half-true) or can be written in a way symptomatic from an analysis completed. My hypothesis is that this book also recreates a crucial policy problem of the symptom in psychoanalysis [3]: how he manages each of its practitioners to tell - and be counted "really a unique way in the analytic community in the social bond that has invented analytic discourse. and is a major consequence of the tension of the universal to the singular question, as I decide your reader, in my turn-in these terms: how does one stop to wait for the recognition of the Other, renounce play 'quote-democratic' the sayings of others and find the uniqueness of an answer that allows a longer follow uncritically the annihilation that usually occurs in one's (finally) know boring repetition of petrified holophrastic, where-that same one-has transformed the Another teaching? Arenas
answers from a script calibrated by the orientation of an analysis carried to its end. That is, in my opinion, the compass that crowns its unique style. Readers, your readers from now, we are grateful to their transmission.
[1] Lacan, J. : Writings I - pg.
509 [2] Lacan, J. : Writings 2 - pg.
867 [3] I quote here the title of a landmark book for me Germain L. Garcia: 'The policy of the symptom'
System Has Not Been Modified Itunes
the Latin derived from Polite, friendly, Amador, Lover, amasia "love", amasiato "amethyst", "amethyst ". Amatorio, Love, Cupid, romance, love, heartbreak, heartbreak, love, infatuated, infatuation, enamoricarse. Friend. Amicus, friend, friendly .... Terms were born one by one and today are part of one of the etymology of words such as again, worn and full of humanity: However Louis Love chooses to follow Lacan and preach from the title that "love is empty." We find jobs that are left to read with the lack of the literature and with a spirit that leads him to search multiple sites of culture the structures of the phenomenon of love, the old reverse applied psychoanalysis, as Lacan wanted. This will retrace the paths of medieval history, history of psychoanalysis, through the classics category as' sweetheart, Don Juanism, the unmarried (for both sides), marriage, infidelity, etc. Always seen in the light of psychoanalysis, or more accurately, in light of the experience of psychoanalysis, taking into account that there are appointments during certain tests that can tell of wonders theory into play. And also, the author has gone through an analysis and we have heard to account for some of this love as a vacuum, but also as invention. Sown at the end should leave the first paragraph in the hope that the reader, whether or not a psychoanalyst, will allow the slow unfolding of the plot of love, loveless, amethyst and friendly: "My friends then, when we met, they often remember face that was when I met the sea. When you press, as a way to meet me, I brought a bottle with a message. When I got excited and opened the paper, it was unreadable. The water had cleared a lone attempt at communication. Allowed only a few letters to guess the word love. Only a few letters. "We still have the chance to go watch for the banks. A letter, even in a bottle, always comes target, or so says the book by Luis.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Time Of Period Egg White Discharge
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What To Do For Inflamed Knee
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Catchy Highschool Phrases
Merylin Sakova Mediafire

"Invoking Sodom
Sinatra * Regarding the law that legalized marriage same sex, beyond-here-and more tantrums ultramontane the representatives of the traditional family, the Catholic Church has emerged as the standard bearer of the opposition, waving the banners of the divine and natural law, invoking Sodom ( sic) and the hosts of Satan as the alleged instigator of the event. It is worth remembering that only citizens' initiative passed to the field of law when the weight of social and has become a habit: always judicial "delay" for achievements in the field of associative loop, as actually experienced by the citizens . It could only happen in the Parliament debate on the rights of homosexuals to use institutions like anybody else, because I had neighbors who lived with others of the same sex.
The Church has always late, as being rooted in tradition must be transmitted in a dogma always equal to itself, and that's not a whim, but for reasons of structure, you can not change and thus their principles-not simply their rituals, their liturgy, which they would be outdated by more against the progress of the transformation of subjectivity and the social bond. Keep this slowness solving is a condition of its durability.
What's more, the importance of the Christian corpus -That gets through generations by respecting the untouchable of his writings, so necessarily sacred, offers individuals (the "faithful") a very powerful sense of security, given something like a warmth of immortality, a sense of eternal communion with Another perennial, on being transferred to them, threatening at last coat of these dogmas and scriptures, sacraments and commandments. Next step: belief in the celestial ascent insured post mortem, if one meets with obedience to another here on Earth.
But, on the other side of the counter, tiny earthly problems (immanent, not transcendent) now facing the authorities church. Hide, one way complicit and unacceptable, pedophile practices of (not a few of) their representatives. Unlike his fellow Protestants, the priests refuse together the sacrament of marriage (and not gay but in its traditional version, heterosexual). Refuse to use condoms (even in times of AIDS, pushing the faithful to the worst) to support cost the separation of procreation and lust (ie, pleasure in the sexual encounter): children, yes, enjoyment among bodies, no.
In light of the institutional weight of the Church and its influence on state decisions, it becomes evident that carries weight today the triumph of the gay community, with equal marriage. Homosexuals have been traditionally determined adversary of the Church, for showing that there is no natural relationship between the sexes. Homosexuality has been installed on the symptom history to know that kids are not necessarily for the girls.
crusades to ban a gay (in the best case, since the slope of decline knew segregation, to outlaw, to exterminate) were directed to remove them as a minority always to not contaminate the natural universal. Is that minorities, whatever they were, always loaded with the halo: the descompletar a closed set, the universal, hegemonic power which would be threatened by their presence.
The existence of homosexuals has always demonstrated that there is no natural sexuality, that sexuality itself has been subverted in the human species sexuation: neologism, the latter, Jacques Lacan, to indicate that sex selection is determined specific conditions of satisfaction for children, both as multi-IDs for which it is impossible to anticipate its direction-and that happens beyond the organic natural determination.
This goes also for those who say that we should not allow homosexuals to adopt children, and we'd be gay. It is a dogmatic assumption, assuming you could predict the orientation of the identifications and, moreover, could know the orientation of the enjoyment of each subject. It is a fallacy, as no one knows-or can be determined, even biological determination of the child or his parents made the choice that each be sexed speaker.
equal marriage law has been placed in the center of social and political debates and that includes mothers. Valga for a species that, confronted with the confession of homosexuality of his son, had responded very apologetic, but reverse his feelings in boundless joy when, years later, gay marriage was legalized. What had happened? What was the reason it produced subjective transmutation? Very simple: with the new law, now his son could marry ... and having children. As can be seen. which affected the mother was not her son's homosexuality, but he could not marry or have kids. Interestingly, this evidence contrary very precisely the belief of his son, who felt rejected by her for being gay, allowing no-no surprise-isolated from the analytic couch a ghost of exclusion haunted him since childhood, in which it was argued from the dissatisfaction of desire.
The debate over homosexuality continues, over and over the right field here, the question of male identity is still alive.
* Director of the School of Lacanian Orientation (EOL). advance text of the book is finally MEN at last! (Grama editions).
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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talks Cycle
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Beuatiful Agony Stream
Everything about drugs?
With the author's presence
Presents: Mauricio Tarrab
Participants: Mabel Levato, Dario Galante, Nicholas Bousoño
Coordinator: Guillermo Drikier
Thursday June 3, 2010 18:15
Hs School Guidance Callao
Lacanian 1033-5 º Piso-CABA
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Marcos Santiago Castellanos *
Monday 31 May 1921 pm in the headquarters of the EOL
Guests: Santiago Castellanos Mark and Gustavo Dessal
Coordination: Beatriz Udenio
phenomenology of chronic pain not caused by organic, refers to structures, types and various clinical phenomena, why should bear in mind that this is distinguished from the classical forms hysterical conversion, the "intricacies of the body" present in ordinary psychosis, without forgetting the psychosomatic phenomena and forms specific to states hypochondriacal delusions.
In the book "The pain and body language" is aware of a research project (Diploma of Advanced Studies) of the Freudian Field Institute of Spain, a clinic of the body with the tools of psychoanalysis, Lacanian orientation.
* Santiago Marcos Castellanos is a psychoanalyst and a physician. Member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis (ELP) of Spain and the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Member of the Board of the Madrid headquarters of the PLA. He has taught in the specialty of Family and Community Medicine for 15 years and has written numerous goods, works and collaborations in frontier topics of psychoanalysis and medicine. Editor's blog: "Psychoanalysis and Medicine" (www.psicoaná
Thursday, May 13, 2010
3 Weeks Pregnant, Dry And Non Cervical Mucus
Psychology that politics and discourse of love that will keep the thing go, that the revolution is the return of the same to the same place and sometimes with deadly consequences, that the uniqueness of enjoyment and desire is not subsumed in "all the same" political thing? Could keep adding reasons, from different parts of the work of Freud, Jacques Lacan's teaching and guidance of Jacques-Alain Miller, showing how the left called fundamentals are drilled into the soil ontological safer when they are confronted with the logic of analytic discourse.
Perhaps these reasons caused many have removed Lacanian the paths used historically by the left. Many colleagues have built a skeptical wisdom in political matters, or a lucid conservatism, or an ironic reading and diagonally. Listen, respect and learn from it, but my position is that you can with the teaching of Lacan: - First, to account for the defeat of the global left from the seventies, inquire into the fantasy that, even after the defeat was accomplished, the ruled.
- Second, Marxism offered a place to grieve, considering that the place is really mourning is outside the home: the only materialist theory that in the century XXI, is proposing a running practical thinking about the impossible real, is the teaching of Lacan.
- Third, these purposes are baseless claim: Lacan can not be a new foundation for the left is his "desfundamentación", demonstrating that only the absent cause is truly operational, it is a bet without further and no guarantees. However, this bet believes that capitalism, despite its circular motion and uncut, although we can not infer the place of departure and can not name the area where it is feasible that trip, although no name is available what comes next, although there is no point in you can designate what a struggle against capitalism, but capitalism is not an eternal, necessary and where the quasi-natural human condition is made in the last step. On the contrary, it is once again assert its contingent and, therefore, always possible the advent of another way of being with others, different from what is known in capitalism.
- Finally, I would remind you that being a leftist is to consider the exploitation of the labor force made in the form of the commodity is an insult to the absolute difference. One thing is to accept the disturbing homology between the plus and enjoy the goodwill and another to accept exploitation itself as if it were a feature of most of the human condition and, at present, a step to be "substantiated" by any provision brain. The hierarchy of the market is the difference, but their numbers and equivalential misrepresentation.
* Excerpt from an exhibition at the Atlantic Seminar Thought, an event that has occurred since 2005 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain ( In the latest edition also participated Gianni Vattimo, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Paula Sibilia, Joan Busquets, Javier Tolentino.
Link to note: general, the endless repetition and boredom among the scientistic nonsense, Ernesto Sinatra offers in this continuation of his work a revamped version of the Lacanian orientation, the slimy substance abuse issue. Those who know him know that their interests and their practice is not "all" about drugs, as he titled this book with a humor that certainly does not lack.
The central thesis underpinning this book: the widespread abuse, the role of toxic and global loneliness, affect cross where psychoanalysis and hyper, and are part of the unique contributions of Ernesto Sinatra to a collective development which remains valid for 20 years in an international network, the network of the Freudian Field TYA (Substance Abuse and Alcoholism).
is an achievement of the collective, their developments, including highlights Ernesto Sinatra presented in this book have been progressively usually be used as references to guide the conceptual and practical understanding of the issues at stake, and make up the difference falls Lacanian Orientation in this complex.
You can read in this book, the entanglements, efforts, traps and solutions Sinatra collects from its practice and its reading today. Since the supplied chemical happiness dragees, to "the reproaches of new patrons" through the enjoyment of the death of hardened drug addicts, the woes of love, and other people in the news, parade shines ways in which human misery in our time. Foreword Mauricio Del Tarrab
Friday, April 16, 2010
What The Difference Between Tights And Leggings
Dear Patricia, Alejandra Glaze Grass forwarded me a comment on my book "The guidance is the symptom," which will be uploaded to the blog of Grass. I want you to know that your comment touched me deeply, I had the feeling of throwing a message in a bottle into the sea and suddenly someone I picked it up and take notice that the message reached its destination. I am very grateful and very happy for your perusal, and if at least for a reader - from his words either - it was a "forest clearing" your publication is more than justified. Duchamp said that a work (meaning, of course, a work of art) was completed by the viewer. I take the license to make a jump, you finished my book and gave it life. Thank you!.

Friday, March 26, 2010
Images Scarf Valances
The orientation is the symptom, Viviana Fruchtnicht
I send my humble comments on the text of Viviana Fruchtnicht, "Counseling is the symptom" I think the text itself already operates as a symptom, in the sense of possibility of knot to tie the psychoanalytic discourse. Enables visitors to travel between theory and clinical in the way of Banda de Moebius. I do not exaggerate when I say that is a topological sort of text-at least I was, "very enlightening and full of key concepts. The differences appear in many of the concepts allows a reading of various social and clinical events in the manner of discovery, for example, when a difference and the distance between "social bond" and "enjoy community, with the consequences involved. Could you summarize the text with a word of Heidegger: "Lichtung" which was translated more or less like this: a clearing in the forest. I appreciate the opportunity to share my opinion with someone, as well as editions of the books that can be accessed in your editorial.
Sincerely, Patricia Berra 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires Province
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Men Wetting Women's Underwear
PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK: "The pain and body language" of Santiago Castellanos. Bilbao

This text we have in our hands, "The pain and body language" is the result of an investigation. Of research in psychoanalysis, within the framework of the Barcelona Clinic Section. It's very interesting to read along the entire route from the text how, to my understanding, a first contingent of the young doctor meet with patients suffering Castellanos pain, he himself outlined in the book's introduction, where we gives a first hint: the case of a young actress with a sore knee doctor nothing to justify its development, questioned by subjective coordinates can put what had happened, in the words of the author "had to work on the elaboration of mourning for the symptom succumb where the pain had not demonstrated any effectiveness." Given, as well Castellanos says, the pain is not measurable or quantifiable. How to explain this clinical experience of pain?. So it's very interesting, we read in the text and references to the pain of major medical associations, point out a few: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential injury or described in terms of this injury, "" pain is whatever the patient says it is "" Pain is what the person who experiences it tells us at the time and place that he feels, and the intensity that says he has. " That is, even in these associations quantify everything, there is a plus, is not explained, which in my view is not quantifiable. We propose, Castellanos considered "chronic pain, the cause is organic, as a subjective experience, as a manifestation of body language.
For psychoanalysis the body speaks its own way, sometimes as heartbreaking, and may consider this symptom as such, as an enjoyment or as a stand that plays a role in joint body of the psychic apparatus. " The first meeting quota, the pain of the actress, Castellanos said to my way of understanding a second meeting: a rheumatology service circular reference hospital health center, which states that patients suffering from "fibromyalgia" were not referred for rheumatology service was collapsed by the claims and analgesic therapies were not effective and it was not clarified the cause of the disease. And my reading, this background can ask the question that will guide their research: is it possible treatment of fibromyalgia with the orientation of psychoanalysis?.
we teach by Castellanos, the question as thread, it calls into question many things, First, and I understand it, fibromyalgia is presented as an identificatory signifier It can take under his wing a number of conditions, which as unexplained fall on their side. Exactly, I agree with Castro when he notes that there is no treatment for fibromyalgia, in a time of development of science where there are machines ever to photograph the subject of unlimited, hundreds of medical tests, studies and an invaluable list etc. ., which would square when subject to find the ultimate cause. But, as seen very While Santiago in his text, the body is not sick.
In fibromyalgia, the body suffers the body. Fundamental distinction in psychoanalysis. The body is affected by the signifier.
Out of curiosity, I went to Google, "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" transcribe: "Fibromyalgia is a term coined in 1976 (Latin: fiber, referring to tissue, from the Greek myo, muscle and algia: pain). It refers to a group of symptoms and poorly understood musculoskeletal disorders characterized by persistent pain, extreme fatigue, stiffness, variable intensity of the muscles, tendons and soft tissue surroundings and a wide range of other psychological symptoms including .... Is a non-contagious disorder present between 3% and 6% of young women, usually between 20 and 50 years of age. Fibromyalgia is considered a controversial diagnosis, some authors argue that there is a disease by the negative results in the search for objective data through tests to confirm the diagnosis. Research in the past three decades have shown CNS disorders that affect brain regions that may be linked both clinical symptoms as phenomena discovered during investigations ... ... etc. , So we can see clear how that which has no clear objective explanation is due to a deficiency in the CNS. It's interesting how the tools of the era, such as the Internet, give us significant that allow to explain the suffering of the same for everyone. And it is very interesting as we explained Santiago, pain is a symptom that asks for nothing. Indeed, the pain goes to the doctor, the friend, the Internet, to seek answers where there are no questions. Verified throughout the text of Santiago Castellanos, that there is a possible treatment for fibromyalgia, which is the subject to engage in a question for your pain and that's picked up by someone that makes this same bet. "
Cristina Califano
I Likestomach/sitting
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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.332 - Saturday February 8, 2010
Anchoring Jacques Lacan in Argentina
The psychoanalyst Germain Garcia is in the book an interesting cross Fruchtnicht theory and clinical experience which relate the symptom and the real meaning
Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan, the inaugural book about his teaching was published in 1970 by Oscar Masotta. In these three decades the expansion of Lacanian orientation, both in our country as in our language, surprising and others. The interpretations were swift and reality have become archives on the history of psychoanalysis in Castilian in various institutions, cities and countries.
Less attention has been paid to the production of books on various topics and issues that are innovations of Jacques Lacan. This is not the place to display an explanation of this phenomenon, if it wishes for this symptom of our culture. Say, in passing, that Sigmund Freud was resisting until he arrived as a retroactive effect of the spread of Jacques Lacan. It was true in French language, then it was true.
3. If we compare this book with one of many that has been published in recent years, you will notice the care taken in sequences of argumentation and the way in which the author knows his subject speak leave to enter his voice at times in regard to his "modest" clinical experience. We can say that not in the habit, as extended, including the quotation marks and references. The reader will notice it in the accuracy of the notes at the footer.
The chapter entitled "The transfer is always present" clears the subtleties that led to Jacques Lacan to use Plato's Symposium and return to the subject a few years later, in a fresh perspective. Is that the mysteries of the transfer, as the mysteries of Paris, undertake anything that circulated as a particularly significant value in psychoanalysis is the "authentic love" (a term used to refer to the transfer.)

In conclusion: the lack of subtitles in this short note is motivated by the fact that Viviana Fruchtnicht book, divided into ten chapters, is titled so well that you could not do anything but repeat or-that is what I decided, to invite the interested to read it.
Denso, accurate and argued, The orientation is the symptom is a taste of what Marcelo Izaguirre anchor called the teachings of Jacques Lacan in Argentina.
More information about this book here
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What Does A Linguist Earn
Juan Carlos Tazedjián
The term "left Lacanian" trying to conceive of the actual event, the fact "political" on a "know-how with "the" political "can be dealt with, resolved in a different way than it does the conservative and defensive attitude that promotes the fear that" unknown "you can go with the event. This also requires separate, as far as possible, the psychoanalysis of "liberalism lucid" which sees itself as the only infallible remedy for the totalitarian threat. This liberalism is particularly difficult to assume that certain forms of exploitation and social inequality, are also corrosion of the democratic experience in civil society. (Jorge German)
seems that the work has no introduction, as it does not appear as such, but "for" and the ellipses of the title are the best possible introduction to this disturbing book.
There is in this collection of lectures, texts and debates, a thread driver to the vertebra, and is the laborious and rigorous task of contributing to serious reflection "to", "in the direction of", "toward" a future left. "The note-approach presented here, then try to give some credibility to his title," says the author.
Obviously, "left" and "Lacanian" two terms do not seem minded to be together, either in the discourse of the left or the teaching of Lacan himself. And in the attempt to make credible its articulation, German reaches far beyond what it claims, laying the groundwork, foundations, of what he calls "a eventually left "and" (...) something like a Lacanian Left. " Or doubt, or hesitation, this form of naming his invention involves locating in the designated space, both the left and psychoanalysis Freud created and recreated by Lacan: the conjecture. Space at different times in the history of psychoanalysis and the left has been colonized by dogmatism or claudication. His proposal has the incalculable value of leaving the former without falling into eclecticism of "anything goes as long as the story is well constructed" and the second, without giving way to some postmodern temptation to identify the failures of the left with a historical impossibility.
"What does being left in the XXI century?" German attempts to answer this question by developing certain working points "while he says, I will try to determine which may include what I call a Lacanian Left." And that "both" indicates that although these are not the same, not different things. There is no other way to do this show without the use of discourse that allows the Moebius strip, the topological figure that apparently has two faces, but we realize that is one when we move from outside to inside, or vice versa, without passing through any edge . Put another way: Lacan is not the inside of the left as possible neither the left is the super-structure of Lacan is at the base.
My hypothesis is that German, unassimilated left with Lacan tells us that left twenty-first century will or will not be Lacanian. Which is not to say that his speech is infused with Lacanian terms it is in Lacan's teaching on the subject, segregation, domination, the discourse of the master, the capitalist discourse, the tyranny of the superego, the ideology as "place privileged setting the subject to your fantasy reality "that we find the anchor points that allow us to think of a future left as possible, capable of producing destabilization Autistic-consumerist subject of neoliberalism.
The proposed constitution of this left, requires the deconstruction of a left after "classic" for that capitalism is a historical necessity and socialism is on the horizon the ideal of a society without antagonism, reconciled with itself, ie apolitical. Ideal of Freud and Lacan demonstrated their fantasy character, for being who comes to plug "the incurable and unsolvable fracture" of the subject, both as singular and socially. German takes over this "pessimism" Freudian-Lacanian, finding within itself, what he calls "a political opportunity." I understand this opportunity as one of the possible translations of Greek Kayros son of Chronos, whose time is the right time, the occasion. The author speaks of a different from temporary "progress" of the future perfect: "What have I been for what I am becoming ...". Temporality, in my opinion, not only opposes but is supportive of Kayros, since "what have I been" is inseparable from the timing of the decision.
This notion, originally taken up by Sartre and Lacan, is a key point of the proposed German. "... The term Lacan left, is among other things a way back to question the value of the decision, when taken from a fund undecidable and without warranty. This also means exploring what is a policy decision, especially when it does not refer to the field of utilitarian calculus of the faces, or put another way, when it comes to a decision that input is not promoted and protected by the master discourse ". This fund undecidable and without warranties is not a bug, or a lack of the German approach, by contrast, is something like the mark of origin, the opening of a seal that can be called Lacanian left, where no dogma, knowledge, prediction lit or technical evaluation of legitimacy, to clip the wings of risk, invention and creation.
For all this, the dots open a space for the not-known to the learned ignorance. Are points that remain "on hold" the reader, the purpose of bringing to bear with their decision to consent to their active inclusion in the provocation of the author. After reading the last page, someone can close the book and realize that is left or is Lacanian. But not enough to learn, as Monsieur Jourdain, who spoke in prose, it is necessary to say J.-A. Miller, "an effort of poetry." In other words, neither a leftist nor be Lacanian can think of it shape before and after the last book of Jorge German.
* Posted at No. 263, El Viejo Topo. With the kind permission of the author.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Confirmation Letter Template Catholic
By Rosa López
I have witnessed the history of Santiago Castellanos in psychoanalysis from the beginning, so I could verify directly how his passage medical discourse analytical discourse. I do not think that this process has been simple, or as the result of a progression in training, it really is a qualitative as evidenced by the book before us today the table.
Why say this?, Because "being a doctor" is something that gives a strong identity that involves a position on the deep-rooted disease, based on the desire to heal. I wish that initially seems very laudable, but it has its serious drawbacks because sometimes prevails over the truth of what is at stake in human suffering, unknown, and cutting off the pace.
know the figure of the physician, standing at the place of love, holds the know with a kind of omnipotence that one is beyond question. There are many jokes about this feature, remember one that said: "What is the difference between a doctor of God?. That God does not believe medical ... "
But we also know, and every day, the doctor feels helpless as the check every day how their knowledge is not sufficient to account for the complexity of what does not go in speaking beings.
us agree that an understanding of Lacan's not easy and requires mastery of important psychoanalytic language. But even when we used to Lacanian signifiers and know the basics of his teaching, always have the impression of not knowing how to articulate certain concepts with others, or you do not find clear how to reconcile theory with practice. Santiago Castellanos
has achieved and I say this honestly, not only because it is a good friend, but for the effect of clarification that has occurred to me. So many times I read these words of Lacan and yet after reading book understand them better than before.
Why do I mention all the time not so much to Lacan and Freud? Is due to a particular perception of my reading. For my taste, I insist on this, the first part of the book devoted to Freud is interesting and explanatory, but it has the same force as the second dedicated to the teaching of Lacan. There is a turning point in the text of Santiago begins to take flight and take off, then raising a desire to continue with the reading, highlight each paragraph, note taking and finally get some sort of satisfaction.
In this last part are presented the developments of the teaching of Jacques Alain Miller, with whom Santiago Castellanos gives us Differential clinical rigorous on the body, from the neurotic symptoms, to psychosomatic phenomena and events culminating in the body's own psychosis.
I have not mentioned what I believe is the hallmark of "The pain and body language": the abundance of clinical cases.
Notice how it begins: "A few years after starting work in medicine came to me a young actress is suffering from severe pain in the knee that prevented him from walking and working ...". Started directly, without preamble, with a clinical case with words Freud: the doctor who the beautiful hysterical gets to work on the psychic cause. After this boot so the foot of the clinical encounter for the rest of the book, how the theory is illustrated with cases permanently.
In the second chapter borrows a patient of Freud's famous Von Elizabeth R (true paradigm of what is now termed "fibromyalgia"), and the chapter on psychosomatic phenomena is an extensive review of the testimony Montribo Patrik Pass, but the rest of the examples come from his own clinic.
addition to the case of the beautiful actress, if I may so call it Santiago, I've tried the rest of the clinical illustrations, happened to comment briefly.
2) The 68 year old woman diagnosed with fibromyalgia, very medicated for years, and last but not least the worst victim of therapies, they offered interpretations like this: "What happens is a viral disease, a son and separation. " That "melange" of causes! That confusion on the subject!.
A case of iatrogenic medical and psychotherapeutic, worse than the other.
3) The woman who could not swallow and the specialist endoscopy makes it a differential diagnosis on the spot by saying that what we have is a "bolo hysterical" and adds "no worry, I myself have suffered a bolus hysterical. " A nice example that shows how physicians now not only do not ignore the hysterical symptoms, but are sympathetic to them, most perplexing of the patient. 4) Man of the 24 jars of urine, that following the medical demand had made the huge effort to count the enjoyment of the body in 24 clearly labeled vials to see how clinical assistant was going to mix them, measuring the total liquid and then throw it away. Being a manic depressive, the agitation of the patient's reaction was immediate. 5) The woman goes silent pain in the body to the symptom analytic that allows questioning about their femininity, their sexuality and relationship. Case which clearly verify the effects of psychoanalytic listening that put the sign in place. In this case, the author weaves an answer on the question open for medical statistics revealing that fibromyalgia is a disease of women.
8) But not all are successful in psychoanalysis, as well as those subjects who did not consent to treatment because they want to know anything about the truth are those who may become worse. To illustrate the great difficulties of the clinic, James brings a case in which after the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is psychosomatic phenomena masking severe and profound depressive symptoms, allowing you to enter the Lacanian theory on the psychosomatic.
9) In the field of psychosis is an example that is like the icing on the cake. The case of the illusionist. This is a middle-aged man with hypochondriacal fears for years has been quite unsuccessful behavioral therapy and thanks to the analysis gets to build a know-how which allows it to enjoy peace of invasive suffering.
10) Finally Gonzala 45 years illustrates a clinical question that probably only psychoanalysts can grasp, as seems to contain a paradox. When the subject is very scarce resource symbolic (psychosis not well-formed delusions) fibromyalgia is itself a resource to continue attached to Another (Centre for Health, experts etc). One possible way to make life livable. So it's "consent as a lesser evil, that the patient can perform these routes with the least possible iatrogenic."
* Comment made at the launch of "The pain and body language" in Madrid.
(from THE COMPASS Weekly PRS Madrid n º 176, January 29, 2010)