While in college and in the paper I think we've all heard a thousand times that we have to leave it just enthralled by the characters of those who reported, there are times when it is not impossible, it very difficult. This afternoon Edurne passed, the first woman in the world that has achieved the 14 eight thousand that are on the planet, has been around Pamplona confer. As Josetxo Imbuluzqueta, cum laude specialist newspaper the mountain, was the moderator of the conference, someone had to come to see and hear the EP, and if they could interview him. I wanted, I asked and has been a good experience, the kind you enjoy.
Thanks to Iñigo Alli (may take note of the communication offices of institutions / other equipment, all to do things just need a little head and professionalism, nothing else) means we had a little time to talk individually with Edurne Pasaban, which is the number one global mountaineering. Has served all requests and all my heart. There has been a long time, a quarter of an hour, but enough to discover a dozen questions that there is a head and a sense perclara overwhelming.
I think everybody call us, we are attracted to people who say something interesting, and good stories. Sin often means filling pages and pages, minutes, minutes and websites with people who do not say anything, or if he says something is so light and bland that it takes the air. Passing is not the classic athlete: the matches last 90 minutes, no small enemy or rival is difficult and complicated. It is logical because theirs is a sport limit, end. Upload a 8,000 is not going on tour is to San Cristobal, which is played there are not three points one and one up or down in the standings, but that is life.
why climbers are always game, always say interesting things, have good stories to tell, because they go there, get out of the mainstream. In that short time has passed Edurne left to see the climbers know what real suffering is nobody-here slut sticks a trip, you pull the grass tell you, and you're done, they all have life experiences to the limit, have seen death close rounds have seen them drop to his friends, know what is really embarrassed and milestones are achieved and throwing eggs against egg valuable. But best of all, at least what I know is that they are types with his feet on the ground, realistic as few, with a dazzling sense. The antithesis of public exposure and mental chorrez we see in many sports. That for which we are dedicated to explain things better or worse, is a chute that went up over the ilusionina. At least the signer.
Thanks, thanks Inigo. Even when they want.
Edurne A Portrait of José Antonio Goñi passed.
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