It happened to my sister his son, my daughter, my wife, me too ... and this winter to thousands and thousands of people. comes one day a sudden fever that rises to 39.5 °, I get a headache that seems to be bursting to scatter your brains out there, a sore throat which is installed a few days and will not. Congestion and Musca join several that you become a snot factory, ears that-suddenly-look set to explode, the stomach than to eat, but not ... and the feeling that you have loaded a backpack with a ton of rocks and you with it everywhere ... When you see something happening, doctor visits and after all of these symptoms that followed one after another, the doctor or the doctor in question conclude that you have a virus, sometimes even light up your computer, while drumming symptoms. Yes, a virus. What is known as a lifelong virus.
I guess when we go to the doctor and tell us a virus is like being released today is Sunday. And if you confirm the form of combat-antipyretics when you have high fever, drink plenty of fluids, do not make efforts and save some rest, or what ever-they will stay with the same face as you entered the query. The other day I looked for things and pictures of viruses and viruses, and found myself on Google with image illustrating the post. A virus is like one of those jellyfish summer, but in phospho green and black background with which Ventosilla-imagine, will stick to our muscles, tissues and mucous leaving us made a wreck for a few days.
For those who have not passed, the virus this year is especially kid, it leaves you touched one or two days, but it has prolonged effect. And if you get used to exercising, check that thanks to this thing so often called virus, your fitness is plummeting, you're without an ounce of strength, and for nearly two weeks will be looking at your back, in pockets or in some corner, where you have posted this stone than a million kilos that makes you tired all day and crawl like a worm when you try to force the machine, because the pulse does not rise or even mess and a half tons of caffeine in vein.
Ah, out of curiosity I searched if all this was that Influenza A, if the same on which many said they would be killed tens of thousands of people in an apocalyptic pandemic. And it seems not. That the outbreak is stopped and stared in 2010. And after reading the letter from Mrs. Chan, WHO director general, saying that behind all this global alarm was no economic interest, because I'm much calmer. Nonsense.
So if you feel bad and have these symptoms, incarnate few hours. Rest, plenty of fluids and used to say we always wanted to Javier Hernandez, "the best medicine chest is the heat outside." Care.
A virus ugly and green.
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