Today we have put this legendary phrase up in the soup. Three decades of "stay the whole world" is a long time. I caught 9 years old, fresh from school. I remember having a green bag with red straps in the front had a black 31 stuck in a white circle. I entered the house through the kitchen, my mother was there, ironing while listening to the radio. I took a bite of chocolate (The bell Elgorriaga yellow paper) and he said: "There was a coup state ". And then we were tadpoles or esterĂ¡bamos us. I went with my sister Teresa, who was then five, and Cristina, of four, then and now what is called small room. There we had a small television white, black and white. We spent the whole afternoon watching it, I do not know if they were drawings, the Mansion of the splat or a movie. Nor was there much choice because there TVE or UHF.
My mother was in kitchen, listening to the radio, occasionally called Tolosa, grandparents to see how they were. I think our only concern, that of my sisters and mine-was whether the had school the next day or not, and when we said there was ... happy. Once we have discussed this with mom says that when she saw the first images on television of Tejero & cia stayed there stuck to know what happened, as when Franco cracked. So the journalistic vein and had to poke around. And usually count, too, that in Hondarribia-house in front of people came by boat to cross to the other side of the Bidasoa, France. That there is more than one wanted using universal precautions, ten and fifty.
Then we have all read a thousand things, the theory of white elephant, and we have seen the "quiet all the world "over and over again. That's been 30 years and for many is a vague memory ... a snack of bread and chocolate and an evening drawings. And we were extremely happy.
The mythical time of sentence.
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