Monday, February 14, 2011

How Much Would A Anklet Tattoo Cost

COMMENT: The misguided. Clinical mental loss: between wandering and the thing is empty

Vaschetto Emilio. Buenos Aires. Editorial Grama. 2010

writing a book as an analyst to make par with "emergency cases", "to live up to such cases" is the first that comes from recognizing the style of Emilio Vaschetto.
The vast and relevant references to classical psychiatry, literature and religion come text to an open work. His style desacartonado allows reading fluency a plus to be grateful.
The central theme: wandering, the point of Lacan's work does plumb: Seminar 21 "Les Non-dupes errent" or "Les Noms du Père." Ambiguity which refers, as we know, to err on the non-naive and pluralization of the names of the Father. Well, try to make a small sketch, with support in the literature, two critical points that mark the route. Start
Mujica Lainez his tale of the vagabond: "He came to Buenos Aires for four days, only four days, and feel that you can not stay here long. Love, your old enemy, stalking, haunting, it smells like an animal that hides but whose presence guess some with nails, burning eyes. (...) His life has been so monstrous: leave, depart, as from love light. " [1] Manucho describes the Wandering Jew by a kind of point of impossible love, set of wandering timeless Lacan link at the seminar with the foreclosure of the Name of the Father. However the question, and this can be seen the extent of Vaschetto text does not end there, but in line "name for" the spot says Lacan, there are other variants as well as ways to love the Psychoanalysis and psychosis that retrace the paths of stabilizations and knotting.
The second reference is to "Pierre Menard, Author of Don Quixote" by JL Borges. Recall that Borges here raises the issue of an impossible and "total identification with a particular author" [2] . This is not the place of an analysis of the story but can not hurt to note that the structure of the narrative suggests that María del Carmen Rodriguez called egocentric in the work shed Borges, which I realize the mirror, noting the constancy of the name and the subject as empty.
However, it is important to call at some "small details "when reviewing the Pierre Menard. For example, using only two initial capital letters in words that are not names, these are: Error and Memory . From the second we have a kind of subversion in the story to make "history, mother of truth", an issue that's puts it in the medium-telling. But first, we find no references, even by association. That is why I understand I can add another detail, and is the index in the name anagrammatical Pierre , whose last syllable refers directly to the word "mistake" in French: " erre." Remember the French origin of the name of the author and many of the titles of their works. If so, I think you can read all the Pierre Menard as a great paraphrase of "Chevalier errant ", while "wandering" or "wandering" as Lacan says in Seminar and Emilio in his remarks text, saving the etymology iterare that brings the end to the repetition. In the same direction the Borges reference the Bateau Ivre of Rimbaud, who also highlighted García and Gustavo Dessal Germain in the presentation and the epilogue of "misguided."
making is evident then that exile for sex, Emilio leaves a sort of compass, "What guides us, or rather do not cheat in homelessness? The symptom " [3] . Which we put in series with that suggestion with which Lacan closed his seminar: "But that is perhaps in this walk ( erre )-You know that thing that pulls there when the ship is allowed to bounce, we can bet to find the real " [4] , as opposed to that little fact, apparently so confident of its northern , which is the ghost.
Bon Voyage!

Gaston Cottino *

[1] Mujica Lainez, M. "Mysterious Buenos Aires." Buenos Aires: Debolsillo. 2008. P 238
[2] Borges, JL "Fictions." OC Tomo I. Buenos Aires: Emecé. 1989. P 446.
[3] Vaschetto, E. "The misguided: Clinical mental loss: between wandering and the thing". Buenos Aires. Grama. 2010. p 77.
[4] Lacan, J. Seminar 21 "p 191. Unpublished.
* Psychoanalyst. Cuyana member of the Association of Analytical Studies. Oscar Masotta member of the Institute, Mendoza - Argentina.


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