several blog friends have been entangled ever seen a computer game that became fashionable in the late 90's: the Sid Meier's Civilization . I have the Gold version in which the fastest method of destruction of civilizations contrary was the nuclear missile. I dropped on a city, sounded this unmistakable air-raid siren then be painted a mushroom cloud , the site was surrounded by skulls and without an atom of life. If we shoot missiles the enemy suffered first phase of pollution after a crippling drought and what ended up being uninhabitable.
What's Civilization is a game, but these days what we see, hear and read about Japan and the central Fukushima is not even remotely. All that has caused the nuclear adjective distressed, and scared shitless. What else frightens men more than the nuclear panic? When I was at the end of GBS atomic race was at a crucial point. Who had more nuclear warheads and placed them where they do reach. I remember watching and read enough stories about bomb shelters, where they were kept tons of canned food, bottled water and said that people could survive for a time x x to a nuclear holocaust with full guarantees. It was also time for rumors, urban legends cosmic crap absurd as the Plaza of the Charters had a huge nuclear shelter under or that it was a massive evacuations, or the swamp Torreciudad en Huesca-was actually a huge base submarines. That was when we first heard the famous belief that cockroaches are the only living beings capable of withstanding a nuclear blast (what's made the Couch, then?) Nonsense.
Whatever the case, and knowing that for now are different cases, what is happening in Japan has brought all to mind the old Chernobyl nuclear ghosts. In case anyone does not remember at this link can see its consequences. The portrayed Robert Knoth and Antoinette de Jongh wrote them in his great work Nuclear Nightmare. Warning, pictures and stories are very hard, but they are the actual bills they pass major nuclear accidents. Japan it is at least possible, for the good of all.
A mushroom cloud.
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