The blog you are talking about is this , an old lookout for friends that spend time and linking it because it is very worthwhile. This blog is the personal diary of Iñigo Alli, the father of a girl (Agnes) with Down Syndrome has been launched to tell her story. For those who do not have cast an eye never wait no sweeteners or text input type Gemio Isabel, no. Through small text it opens your heart, not whining PTA, but with experience, details and situations that lead us to stop and think, and 99.9999999% of the cases to realize that most people live pending of real crap, and that we are losing what really matters, it worthwhile.
Until not long now, people with disabilities of any kind, and their families lived / in with an indelible stigma. They were and are people who are looking, try and speak differently, with some distance and more than a prejudice. Whoever denies that is a liar, because we all have felt overwhelmed blushing or being with people like that. Through their thoughts and texts Iñigo Alli has evolved during the Up Syndrome through which entry after entry is removing all the cliches and stereotypes that we can imagine.
"Up Syndrome is the result of developments I've had since the birth of my daughter. The effect has been to evaluate things before I did not appreciate, celebrate and reward small steps of my daughter, and my children, to retake the reins of life, not to complain about things that before were a world to me. And above all, the opposite of the Down, which is the threshold of happiness every time we interact our daughter, who watches us and wants to please ... When Agnes was born I thought he needed me, and really, who needs her daughter's me. In a second stage start blogging my feelings and thoughts and I realize that others are not even parents causes exactly the same thing: that 'mirror' of 'stop complain about silly things and get back to the essence of people, "he said yesterday Iñigo Alli Ion Stegmeier in the interview published in its issue of paper Diario de Navarra.
What else?" Guys like this we give life lessons every day and I think I can say only one thing: THANK YOU.
Up Syndrome
Up Syndrome
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