is falling with an already bored of the political party that says x or y country is sinking, that these are bad very bad because all you do wrong, do not know anything and yet they are good, very good. Tired of radio, television and newspapers day in and day also remind you that we are in crisis, prices stop rising, the economy does not start and the worst is yet to come. Disgusted people at work, at home, with the group of friends or whatever are all day and complaining about everything. If it is cold because it is cold, hot weather because they are hot and if it is Monday because it's Monday ... everything is wrong.
These people will have to recommend a sugar, and no excuse to calories or line. Life is like leaving bombs in the movies and there are Yankees to disable: red or blue wire cable. We must choose. Life is a shit, everything is bad and is sooo hard. Or, knowing that sometimes life is shit, I may be wrong and clear that it is difficult, but we took it in a sporting spirit, a little sugar, if you can smile and go out there to fight it. That we're bitter and vinegary served. Thanks.
Azucarillo googelianos.
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